June 20, 2010

Win in the war against Monday!

This blog is about Mondays. You know the Mondays I mean, right? Those ones when you’ve had the most amazing weekend hanging out with your friends and family, having a few beers over a BBQ, or maybe relaxed by the fire watching movies, or went hiking/camping walking freely around in nature and THEN…Monday comes.

Monday…the day when you HAVE to go and DO the thing you HAVE to DO so that in your WEEKENDS you get to DO the things you WANT TO DO.

Welcome to Monday, at least in New Zealand as I type this it’s Monday and I’m writing this because this morning I was SO incredibly excited that it was Monday as I woke at 6.10am…and as I was going through my morning ritual I thought to myself “How many people are as excited about what they do as I am?” It soon dawned on me that the percentage of people DOING what they want to do for a living is TINY compared to those who LOVE THE LIVES THEY LEAD.

Imagine a Monday when you literally smiled when the alarm went off in the morning because you were SO excited about what you were going to do that day. Actually, let’s take this a step further. Imagine a SUNDAY night…when you were so excited about the next day that you found it hard to sleep! For many this is a far off “others people can have that” life, for some they are aware that they COULD have that as a reality and a few (like me) LOVE MONDAYS!

So today…I hereby declare war, on your behalf, against Mondays where you do something that you feel obligated to do as opposed to something you’re totally passionate about! If you’re ready for a Monday where you live life on your terms, do yourself a favor, grab some ammunition, Live The Liz Life and at www.LiveTheLizLife.com

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