June 21, 2010

Hot Off The Press: Mentoring and Contribution

I just got off the phone to a girl who I am about to start mentoring...I’m really excited! Why? Well from this coming Wednesday (23 June 2010) for a whole year I get the opportunity to contribute to someone on a weekly basis and assist them in reaching their goals and their dreams.

The program that I’m managing at present is run in conjunction with an organisation which is internationally known as “Big Brothers Big Sisters”. This fabulous organisation is responsible for matching “big sisters/brothers” with mentees who are in need of a helping hand, guiding light, positive presence or just a fun big kid to hang out with. Stattistics show that having a positive role model in a child's life has a HUGELY positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children. So, I’m incredibly happy to not only be managing this program, but to also have taken on the responsibility of mentoring this girl.

Having interviewed a number of children and listening to their goals and desires in life, this one girl really struck me as a person who I wanted to help! Why? Well, she was “real”, said it like it was and was incredibly clear about what she wanted. So, when I asked her “who is your role model or someone you look up to?” her reply was her teacher. Why? Because he recognized that she was shy and started to mentor her “out of her shell”. So what does she want from her new mentor? “Someone who will help [her] get out of her shell more”.

From the moment I heard she wanted assistance in getting out of her shell I was SO grateful to be in the position to offer her assistance, both in terms of tools and time resources (being my own boss makes time very flexible). I’m also incredibly happy to be contributing in this one-on-one fashion. I also do this on a grand scale, through a win-win-win business opportunity that is all about GIVING with the understanding that through giving you also receive (and don’t get me wrong…the leverage in the system allows for massive potential income).

So, I’m excited! I’m mentoring this girl in a few days for the first time as well as helping folks on a grander scale through a business opportunity like no other I have ever seen. If “contribution” is something that’s missing from your life I strongly recommend finding a way to give.

If you want to give on a grand scale and receive on a grand scale… head to www.LoveTheLifeYouLead.info.

June 20, 2010

Win in the war against Monday!

This blog is about Mondays. You know the Mondays I mean, right? Those ones when you’ve had the most amazing weekend hanging out with your friends and family, having a few beers over a BBQ, or maybe relaxed by the fire watching movies, or went hiking/camping walking freely around in nature and THEN…Monday comes.

Monday…the day when you HAVE to go and DO the thing you HAVE to DO so that in your WEEKENDS you get to DO the things you WANT TO DO.

Welcome to Monday, at least in New Zealand as I type this it’s Monday and I’m writing this because this morning I was SO incredibly excited that it was Monday as I woke at 6.10am…and as I was going through my morning ritual I thought to myself “How many people are as excited about what they do as I am?” It soon dawned on me that the percentage of people DOING what they want to do for a living is TINY compared to those who LOVE THE LIVES THEY LEAD.

Imagine a Monday when you literally smiled when the alarm went off in the morning because you were SO excited about what you were going to do that day. Actually, let’s take this a step further. Imagine a SUNDAY night…when you were so excited about the next day that you found it hard to sleep! For many this is a far off “others people can have that” life, for some they are aware that they COULD have that as a reality and a few (like me) LOVE MONDAYS!

So today…I hereby declare war, on your behalf, against Mondays where you do something that you feel obligated to do as opposed to something you’re totally passionate about! If you’re ready for a Monday where you live life on your terms, do yourself a favor, grab some ammunition, Live The Liz Life and at www.LiveTheLizLife.com

June 17, 2010

Loving Who You Are

Loving who you are is one of the most powerful abilities you will ever allow yourself to have. Period. If you love who you are then your chances of success, wealth, happiness, finding your ideal partner, being in a loving relationship with your partner/significant other are so much higher that it begs the question of: Why would you not want to learn to absolutely love yourself, even if you did have to go through a little pain in the first instance to get to the pleasure of being 100% in love with yourself?

Well, the obvious answers come. "You can't love yourself, that's just arrogant", "You must love others before you love yourself", "I must love God/Ala/Buddah above all", "Loving yourself is for tree hugging hippies". Well, I'm here to tell you today that in order for you to get your ideal life (the life you imagine being the perfect life you've always wanted) you sure as heck better start with creating a foundation of self love. Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Mother Theresa, Mike Pero and any person you may look at as a success in their field all have a deep, underlying self love which leads to a self respect which non "lovers of self" often lack.

How then, does one love themselves if they don't now? Well the first part is to start by building an awareness around who you see yourself as being. Do you see yourself as beautiful, successful, healthy, loving, warm, motivated, financially free? Once you build a self awareness of where you are now, you can start to devise an idea of where you want to be, in terms of loving yourself. Many times lack of self love comes from a feeling of I'm not good enough, and often these feelings flow right through life, even into our career. Working in areas where you love what you do can absolutely assist in maintaining the feelings of self love. Working with folks who also love what they do will also assist in solidifying your self love.

Head to http://www.lovethelifeyoulead.info to find an opportunity where you can have all this and more.

Loving The Life You Lead

It’s one of those cool things to realize that you have complete power and control over your life, your decisions, your choices and your destiny. Getting to that point can sometimes be more challenging.

As a huge proponent of Loving The Life You Lead, I am absolutely committed to assisting others in doing the same. Here’s a few tips to get you started on getting really passionate about what you do…
  • Find your passion – It’s surprising that so many folks are not clear on what it is that they’re passionate about.
  • Socialize with people you want to be like – If you can’t find them in person, read biographies of people who have done things you find inspiring, have achieved a goal you want to achieve or who have characteristics you want to possess.
  • Treat yourself – Human beings love being treated… so it’s important to feel treated! Now, even on a shoe string budget you can treat yourself and make yourself feel special.
  • Visualize and talk about your future life as if it’s already yours. You’re not lying! You’re creating certainty in doing this!
  • Contribute to others – Find a way that you can help others, especially if you feel like crap yourself. Helping others creates this amazing oozing of positive emotion in us that’s make you feel just so damn good! For a funky way to contribute that can make a HUGE difference in YOUR life click here.
  • Go into nature – Now, I’m not saying you need to go “HUG A TREE”. What I am saying is that being in nature is such a revitalizing, decalcifying experience that you’ll likely come walk right into loving your life, or at least get insight into HOW it is that you’re meant to do so.
The tips are simple – Implementing them however, is the part that requires slightly more effort on your part. So ask yourself today, do you love the life you lead? If not, what are you committed to doing to make a positive change in your life.

Many of the folks that I work with and mentor worked long, unrewarding hours in professions they really were impassionate about. They wanted to find a purpose (greater than themselves), they wanted to contribute but didn't know how they would be able to at the same time as paying the bills, living their life, raising their kids etc. Now, I have a team of folks who love their lives, contributing to others through their efforts and living a life filled with passion. Now, if I was you I’d want to know what they know that you don’t. Click here to find out just how easy it is!