August 9, 2009

The Most Amazing Experience In My Life

Nearly two weeks ago now I returned home from Kona, Hawaii. I was there for just a week, but I can honestly say I grew more, learned more, experienced more, ate more (yes..that's true)...played more and met more like minded (positive, outgoing, big thinking) people in that week than I have ever experienced. Now, I've been to many conferences before...but this one was a conference with a difference.

I already had the attitude that life is for living (not working in a box), that there is really no such thing as a recession ("What recession"?) and I was already what I thought was a "BIG THINKER"...but masterminding, partying, dining and just hanging around the folks in Hawaii grew my mind, nearly to exploding point!

I'm totally jazzed about what I do...and totally jazzed about helping other experience the joy, laughs, freedom and successes that I experience.