I just got off the phone to a girl who I am about to start mentoring...I’m really excited! Why? Well from this coming Wednesday (23 June 2010) for a whole year I get the opportunity to contribute to someone on a weekly basis and assist them in reaching their goals and their dreams.
The program that I’m managing at present is run in conjunction with an organisation which is internationally known as “Big Brothers Big Sisters”. This fabulous organisation is responsible for matching “big sisters/brothers” with mentees who are in need of a helping hand, guiding light, positive presence or just a fun big kid to hang out with. Stattistics show that having a positive role model in a child's life has a HUGELY positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children. So, I’m incredibly happy to not only be managing this program, but to also have taken on the responsibility of mentoring this girl.
Having interviewed a number of children and listening to their goals and desires in life, this one girl really struck me as a person who I wanted to help! Why? Well, she was “real”, said it like it was and was incredibly clear about what she wanted. So, when I asked her “who is your role model or someone you look up to?” her reply was her teacher. Why? Because he recognized that she was shy and started to mentor her “out of her shell”. So what does she want from her new mentor? “Someone who will help [her] get out of her shell more”.
From the moment I heard she wanted assistance in getting out of her shell I was SO grateful to be in the position to offer her assistance, both in terms of tools and time resources (being my own boss makes time very flexible). I’m also incredibly happy to be contributing in this one-on-one fashion. I also do this on a grand scale, through a win-win-win business opportunity that is all about GIVING with the understanding that through giving you also receive (and don’t get me wrong…the leverage in the system allows for massive potential income).
So, I’m excited! I’m mentoring this girl in a few days for the first time as well as helping folks on a grander scale through a business opportunity like no other I have ever seen. If “contribution” is something that’s missing from your life I strongly recommend finding a way to give.
If you want to give on a grand scale and receive on a grand scale… head to www.LoveTheLifeYouLead.info.