Anyone following me in these blogs and online pretty much knows that I’m totally into helping others live a life that they love…so that they really and truly love the lives they lead. These followers will also know that I like to give “food for thought” in these blogs so that you can get a wham bam thank you ma’am lesson and be on your way…
Today I want to touch on JUDGEMENT. We all judge! It’s natural…and we do it, researchers say, within 1.2753 seconds of seeing someone (Ok… so I made that statistic up…but you get the point?!)
I had a funky experience that occurred in my life months ago… but has stuck with me as a learning tool since then.
I was walking down the street in Christchurch (most likely to or from a cafĂ©) and I saw a man drooping over a chair who, I judged as someone who may appreciate some financially assistance. I totally believe in tithing…and do it regularly, so the notion of giving money to a stranger is not foreign to me.
This is where the lesson started.
I asked the stranger if he wanted some money.
He said “Why?”…
Not wanting to JUDGE I said to him… “Just because…I thought you may want some”
He said, “Ok… that would be nice”
Then I handed him $5 to which he said, “Thankyou”.
I wished him well and headed on my merry way as I wanted to walk away without a big scenario.
He followed…asked my name…I told him…he re-Thanked me… THEN I can to the end of the street…and had to wait at the lights… there was no getting away from him without obviously making a run for it…
He re-thanked me… and I said, “Honestly, it’s really fine. I just hope you spend it on something that makes you feel good” to which he said… “Yes… I will… I was thinking of grabbing a beer before I went home”.
OK…So that was totally not what I thought the $5 was going to be spent on…but I quickly realised that I gave the money…wanting to help…and how he chooses to spend the money once it’s his really is his choice. It’s not how I would spend it, but that doesn’t matter.
This whole scenario was such a fabulous lesson in judgement… and how we judge others. Most of the time… we actually judge OTHERS negatively because of some short falling we see in ourselves.
I dare you to OBSERVE yourself for a week and see how you judge instinctively. Write a big “J” on your hand in a permanent marker as a reminder. You might just learn a lesson that will change yours or someone else’s life for the better.
Till next time, Love The Life You Lead.
Liz Benny