Ok...Let's Get Into It!
Today we're talking about "LEGACY". I'm reading "The Ride of a Lifetime" by Paul Teutul, Sr, of Orange County Choppers, at the moment. What a primo book...and boy oh boy has it got me thinking about life, business, success, happiness, family...and loads of other good things. On the back of this book Paul has given readers a list of practices/mindsets/activities that business owners can use to run a kick ass business like OCC. The one that really got my attention was this, "Leave a legacy - the way you lead today shows others how to lead tomorrow".
Now this book is primarily written for business owners, like me...however the topic of Legacy is applicable to anyone, mum's (mom's) at home with their kids, accountants, lawyers, farmers...anyone.
So here's the deal...What legacy are you going to leave? How are you going to lead to assist others? If those are hard questions, think of it this way:
- When you're laying on your death bed...what you gonna be SO very proud of having created/done/achieved/made?
Or if you 're the type of person who doesn't like the idea of laying on death beds...then...
- When you're 40, 50, 60 years old...and you reflect on the life you've lived...what is it that you're so amazingly proud of having created, done, achieved, made or (insert your own word)?
I Dare You To Take 10 minutes of your day, right now, to stop what you're doing and contemplate on your legacy. There's no "right" or "wrong" answers! For some people it's about being the most amazing mum/mom, for others it's about being the next Mother Theresa. When you're done with answering the questions, be sure to join me on Monday next week (Monday 19th April 2010) at 10:30am NZ time. I'm hosting a radio show where we'll investigate more about Legacy's... Head to BlogTalkRadio for more information.
Till next time folks, love the life you lead...and in theme with today's blog...Live to Leave a Primo Legacy!