Which Duck Are You?
About a month ago I went to a park here in
Yep! You read right! 20 ducks proved to be great teachers!
As I was walking around the park I walked over to a little creek and stood on the banks. It took all of 5.34 seconds for these ducks to swim over to within a 5metre radius of me. I stood there. I had NO food with me to share with them. I had nothing, other than kinds words, to offer them.
Now, here’s the interesting part:
(a) About 5 ducks quickly realized they were not going to get food out of me.
(b) Shortly afterwards another 5-7 ducks realized that if they were hungry they better go elsewhere for food.
(c) Then, as I remained standing there for another 2 minutes or so, the “left over” ducks stayed also!
Furthermore, the ducks swam (a) upstream, against the current, (b) downstream, with the current or (c) NOWHERE respectively.
So, which duck are you? Do you realize quickly when things aren’t right and do what you need to do to make the necessary changes? Or are you slightly less quick off the mark and then just go with the flow of what others think? Or… do you stay where you are, not moving upstream or downstream?
I didn’t have any food for the ducks, but this is certainly food for thought.
Come join me on my Lovin' Life with Liz Radio Show where I discuss this topic further.
Love The Life You Lead,
Liz Benny