You know, I'm about to fly to Hawaii in less than 2 weeks...and I'm so very very grateful for this...and it really got me thinking about the aforementioned topic of "Why Me?"...
So I did some thinking, talking with folks who I respect and who are living a life of abundance and prosperity like me, and we came to the conclusion that we had just made a decision to be successful. It didn't just happen. We didn't just wake up one day and "viola, I'm now a successful entrepreneur!" No way! I - no one else - I made the decision to be free of the corporate rat race. I made the decision to stand up for what I believe in. I made the decision to assist others in breaking free also, because anybody remotely involved in personal development, fact anyone that is breathing, can easily fathom that our monetary situation in this worlds is DIRECTLY related to the value that we add.
So, for me...that means living life 100% on purpose and being a shining example of what is possible. I have made a commitment to live life by my rules...
And this all came from a decision. Make a decision to be successful...that's all it takes.

With Energy and HUGE Kiwi Smiles,
Liz Benny